2. 文字识别







2.1 识别方法



2.1.1 余弦相似性的定义






到这里识别的部分基本说完了,现在没有办法再进行下去是因为现在系统还没有完全跑起来,很多实际的问题还没有遇到,只有在跑程序的过程中才可以发现问题,进行测试和优化. 因此我们接下来转向第三个问题,也就是控制,因为这个自动执行的程序的交互式靠点击完成的,所以交互也是一个很重要的环节.

3. 交互

3.1 pyautogui

]查阅了相关资料后,由于这些库都没有使用过,就先用pyautogui来试试手. 安装部分很简单,在anaconda环境管理里没有找到,直接用pip安装就可以了

pip install pyautogui

3.2 获取屏幕分辨率




Size(width=1280, height=800)

我的电脑屏幕明明是2560x1600的分辨率,外接屏幕也是1600x900,那么为什么会返回这么一个结果呢.(这时的我还不知道为什么).那么接下来要做两件事,一个是在我的surface book2检验返回的结果是否正确,另一个就是查查官方文档.

Locations on your screen are referred to by X and Y Cartesian coordinates. The X coordinate starts at 0 on the left side and increases going right. Unlike in mathematics, the Y coordinate starts at 0 on the top and increases going down.

0,0       X increases -->
|                           | Y increases
|                           |     |
|   1920 x 1080 screen      |     |
|                           |     V
|                           |
|                           |
+---------------------------+ 1919, 1079

The pixel at the top-left corner is at coordinates 0, 0. If your screen’s resolution is 1920 x 1080, the pixel in the lower right corner will be 1919, 1079 (since the coordinates begin at 0, not 1).

The screen resolution size is returned by the size() function as a tuple of two integers. The current X and Y coordinates of the mouse cursor are returned by the position() function.



3.3 要用到的方法


Mouse Movement

>>> pyautogui.moveTo(100, 200)   # moves mouse to X of 100, Y of 200.
>>> pyautogui.moveTo(None, 500)  # moves mouse to X of 100, Y of 500.
>>> pyautogui.moveTo(600, None)  # moves mouse to X of 600, Y of 500.


>>> pyautogui.moveTo(100, 200, 2)   # moves mouse to X of 100, Y of 200 over 2 seconds


(If the duration is less than pyautogui.MINIMUM_DURATION the movement will be instant. By default, pyautogui.MINIMUM_DURATION is 0.1.)


>>> pyautogui.moveTo(100, 200)  # moves mouse to X of 100, Y of 200.
>>> pyautogui.move(0, 50)       # move the mouse down 50 pixels.
>>> pyautogui.move(-30, 0)      # move the mouse left 30 pixels.
>>> pyautogui.move(-30, None)   # move the mouse left 30 pixels.

Mouse Drags

>>> pyautogui.dragTo(100, 200, button='left')     # drag mouse to X of 100, Y of 200 while holding down left mouse button
>>> pyautogui.dragTo(300, 400, 2, button='left')  # drag mouse to X of 300, Y of 400 over 2 seconds while holding down left mouse button
>>> pyautogui.drag(30, 0, 2, button='right')   # drag the mouse left 30 pixels over 2 seconds while holding down the right mouse button

简单来说,这个用法和Mouse Movement很接近,MoveTo和Move分别对应DragTo和Drag,参数也大体相同.由于是drag,有了鼠标的三个键,left,middle和right.

Mouse Clicks

The click() function simulates a single, left-button mouse click at the mouse’s current position. A “click” is defined as pushing the button down and then releasing it up. For example:

>>> pyautogui.click()  # click the mouse


To combine a moveTo() call before the click, pass integers for the x and y keyword argument:

>>> pyautogui.click(x=100, y=200)  # move to 100, 200, then click the left mouse button.

To specify a different mouse button to click, pass ‘left’, ‘middle’, or ‘right’ for the button keyword argument:

>>> pyautogui.click(button='right')  # right-click the mouse

To do multiple clicks, pass an integer to the clicks keyword argument. Optionally, you can pass a float or integer to the interval keyword argument to specify the amount of pause between the clicks in seconds. For example:

>>> pyautogui.click(clicks=2)  # double-click the left mouse button
>>> pyautogui.click(clicks=2, interval=0.25)  # double-click the left mouse button, but with a quarter second pause in between clicks
>>> pyautogui.click(button='right', clicks=3, interval=0.25)  ## triple-click the right mouse button with a quarter second pause in between clicks

As a convenient shortcut, the doubleClick() function will perform a double click of the left mouse button. It also has the optional x, y, interval, and button keyword arguments. For example:

>>> pyautogui.doubleClick()  # perform a left-button double click

There is also a tripleClick() function with similar optional keyword arguments.

The rightClick() function has optional x and y keyword arguments.

The mouseDown() and mouseUp() Functions Mouse clicks and drags are composed of both pressing the mouse button down and releasing it back up. If you want to perform these actions separately, call the mouseDown() and mouseUp() functions. They have the same x, y, and button. For example:

>>> pyautogui.mouseDown(); pyautogui.mouseUp()  # does the same thing as a left-button mouse click
>>> pyautogui.mouseDown(button='right')  # press the right button down
>>> pyautogui.mouseUp(button='right', x=100, y=200)  # move the mouse to 100, 200, then release the right button up.

Mouse Scrolling

The mouse scroll wheel can be simulated by calling the scroll() function and passing an integer number of “clicks” to scroll. The amount of scrolling in a “click” varies between platforms. Optionally, integers can be passed for the the x and y keyword arguments to move the mouse cursor before performing the scroll. For example:

>>> pyautogui.scroll(10)   # scroll up 10 "clicks"
>>> pyautogui.scroll(-10)  # scroll down 10 "clicks"
>>> pyautogui.scroll(10, x=100, y=100)  # move mouse cursor to 100, 200, then scroll up 10 "clicks"

On OS X and Linux platforms, PyAutoGUI can also perform horizontal scrolling by calling the hscroll() function. For example:

>>> pyautogui.hscroll(10)   # scroll right 10 "clicks"
>>> pyautogui.hscroll(-10)   # scroll left 10 "clicks"

The scroll() function is a wrapper for vscroll(), which performs vertical scrolling.



Key Control Functions

The write() Function The primary keyboard function is write(). This function will type the characters in the string that is passed. To add a delay interval in between pressing each character key, pass an int or float for the interval keyword argument.

For example:

>>> pyautogui.write('Hello world!')                 # prints out "Hello world!" instantly
>>> pyautogui.write('Hello world!', interval=0.25)  # prints out "Hello world!" with a quarter second delay after each character

You can only press single-character keys with write(), so you can’t press the Shift or F1 keys, for example.

The press(), keyDown(), and keyUp() Functions To press these keys, call the press() function and pass it a string from the pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS such as enter, esc, f1. See KEYBOARD_KEYS.

For example:

>>> pyautogui.press('enter')  # press the Enter key
>>> pyautogui.press('f1')     # press the F1 key
>>> pyautogui.press('left')   # press the left arrow key

The press() function is really just a wrapper for the keyDown() and keyUp() functions, which simulate pressing a key down and then releasing it up. These functions can be called by themselves. For example, to press the left arrow key three times while holding down the Shift key, call the following:

>>> pyautogui.keyDown('shift')  # hold down the shift key
>>> pyautogui.press('left')     # press the left arrow key
>>> pyautogui.press('left')     # press the left arrow key
>>> pyautogui.press('left')     # press the left arrow key
>>> pyautogui.keyUp('shift')    # release the shift key

To press multiple keys similar to what write() does, pass a list of strings to press(). For example:

>>> pyautogui.press(['left', 'left', 'left'])

Or you can set how many presses left:

>>> pyautogui.press('left', presses=3)

To add a delay interval in between each press, pass an int or float for the interval keyword argument.

The hotkey() Function To make pressing hotkeys or keyboard shortcuts convenient, the hotkey() can be passed several key strings which will be pressed down in order, and then released in reverse order. This code:

>>> pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'shift', 'esc')
…is equivalent to this code:

>>> pyautogui.keyDown('ctrl')
>>> pyautogui.keyDown('shift')
>>> pyautogui.keyDown('esc')
>>> pyautogui.keyUp('esc')
>>> pyautogui.keyUp('shift')
>>> pyautogui.keyUp('ctrl')

To add a delay interval in between each press, pass an int or float for the interval keyword argument.

KEYBOARD_KEYS The following are the valid strings to pass to the press(), keyDown(), keyUp(), and hotkey() functions:

['\t', '\n', '\r', ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', "'", '(',
')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e','f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~',
'accept', 'add', 'alt', 'altleft', 'altright', 'apps', 'backspace',
'browserback', 'browserfavorites', 'browserforward', 'browserhome',
'browserrefresh', 'browsersearch', 'browserstop', 'capslock', 'clear',
'convert', 'ctrl', 'ctrlleft', 'ctrlright', 'decimal', 'del', 'delete',
'divide', 'down', 'end', 'enter', 'esc', 'escape', 'execute', 'f1', 'f10',
'f11', 'f12', 'f13', 'f14', 'f15', 'f16', 'f17', 'f18', 'f19', 'f2', 'f20',
'f21', 'f22', 'f23', 'f24', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9',
'final', 'fn', 'hanguel', 'hangul', 'hanja', 'help', 'home', 'insert', 'junja',
'kana', 'kanji', 'launchapp1', 'launchapp2', 'launchmail',
'launchmediaselect', 'left', 'modechange', 'multiply', 'nexttrack',
'nonconvert', 'num0', 'num1', 'num2', 'num3', 'num4', 'num5', 'num6',
'num7', 'num8', 'num9', 'numlock', 'pagedown', 'pageup', 'pause', 'pgdn',
'pgup', 'playpause', 'prevtrack', 'print', 'printscreen', 'prntscrn',
'prtsc', 'prtscr', 'return', 'right', 'scrolllock', 'select', 'separator',
'shift', 'shiftleft', 'shiftright', 'sleep', 'space', 'stop', 'subtract', 'tab',
'up', 'volumedown', 'volumemute', 'volumeup', 'win', 'winleft', 'winright', 'yen',
'command', 'option', 'optionleft', 'optionright']
