Today I gonna talk about the basic motion of the Jetbot.There are four offical samples of the car.As the car, the first one is basic motion.

Following the last post, we open the web browser in the compute.There are four jupyter notebooks in the list.

Importing the Robot class

To get started programming JetBot, we’ll need to import the Robot class. This class allows us to easily control the robot’s motors! This is contained in the jetbot package.

from jetbot import Robot

Now that we’ve imported the Robot class we can initialize the class instance as follows

robot = Robot()

Commanding the robot

Now that we’ve created our Robot instance we named “robot”, we can use this instance to control the robot. To make the robot spin counterclockwise at 30% of it’s max speed we can call the following


Cool, you should see the robot spin counterclockwise!

If your robot didn’t turn left, that means one of the motors is wired backwards! Try powering down your robot and swapping the terminals that the red and black cables of the incorrect motor.

Now, to stop the robot you can call the stop method.


Maybe we only want to run the robot for a set period of time. For that, we can use the Python time package.

import time

This package defines the sleep function, which causes the code execution to block for the specified number of seconds before running the next command. Try the following to make the robot turn left only for half a second.


Great. You should see the robot turn left for a bit and then stop.

Wondering what happened to the speed= inside the left method? Python allows us to set function parameters by either their name, or the order that they are defined (without specifying the name).

The BasicJetbot class also has the methods right, forward, and backwards. Try creating your own cell to make the robot move forward at 50% speed for one second.

Create a new cell by highlighting an existing cell and pressing b or the + icon above. Once you’ve done that, type in the code that you think will make the robot move forward at 50% speed for one second.

Controlling motors individually

Above we saw how we can control the robot using commands like left, right, etc. But what if we want to set each motor speed individually? Well, there are two ways you can do this

The first way is to call the set_motors method. For example, to turn along a left arch for a second we could set the left motor to 30% and the right motor to 60% like follows.

robot.set_motors(0.3, 0.6)

Great! You should see the robot move along a left arch. But actually, there’s another way that we could accomplish the same thing.

The Robot class has two attributes named left_motor and right_motor that represent each motor individually. These attributes are Motor class instances, each which contains a value attribute. This value attribute is a traitlet which generates events when assigned a new value. In the motor class, we attach a function that updates the motor commands whenever the value changes.

So, to accomplish the exact same thing we did above, we could execute the following.

robot.left_motor.value = 0.3
robot.right_motor.value = 0.6
robot.left_motor.value = 0.0
robot.right_motor.value = 0.0

You should see the robot move in the same exact way!

A really cool feature about these traitlets is that we can also link them to other traitlets! This is super handy because Jupyter Notebooks allow us to make graphical widgets that use traitlets under the hood. This means we can attach our motors to widgets to control them from the browser, or just visualize the value.

To show how to do this, let’s create and display two sliders that we’ll use to control our motors.

import ipywidgets.widgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display

# create two sliders with range [-1.0, 1.0]
left_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(description='left', min=-1.0, max=1.0, step=0.01, orientation='vertical')
right_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(description='right', min=-1.0, max=1.0, step=0.01, orientation='vertical')

# create a horizontal box container to place the sliders next to eachother
slider_container = widgets.HBox([left_slider, right_slider])

# display the container in this cell's output

You should see two vertical sliders displayed above.

HELPFUL TIP: In Jupyter Lab, you can actually “pop” the output of cells into entirely separate window! It will still be connected to the notebook, but displayed separately. This is helpful if we want to pin the output of code we executed elsewhere. To do this, right click the output of the cell and select Create New View for Output. You can then drag the new window to a location you find pleasing.

Try clicking and dragging the sliders up and down. Notice nothing happens when we move the sliders currently. That’s because we haven’t connected them to motors yet! We’ll do that by using the link function from the traitlets package.

import traitlets

left_link =, 'value'), (robot.left_motor, 'value'))
right_link =, 'value'), (robot.right_motor, 'value'))